Tiffany Barry

Marketing Manager

Tiffany Barry Marketing Manager

Tiffany is responsible for the development and execution of all marketing initiatives for Oak City Accounting’s range of services.

She has an extensive background in marketing and advertising working in Chicago and NYC for various hospitality and advertising agencies including McCann-Erickson and Marriott International.

Tiffany has her B.A. from Lake Forest College and continuing education from University of Chicago Booth School of Business and Cornell University’s SC Johnson School of Business.

After two cross country moves, she has been in Raleigh with her husband and two children since 2015. Tiffany is an active volunteer with the Junior League, Christ Church, Note in the Pocket, Cardinal Gibbons and Broughton High School.  Tiffany cannot pass up a slice of Key Lime pie.

Tired of doing it on your own? Oak City Accounting is here for you.

You know you pay a lot in taxes, but are you paying too much?